Sunday, September 21, 2014

Here is what I stand for as the next Chairman Makerere University Convocation.

Makerere University is sick
Library closes on Sundays yet the university depends on evening students majority of whom do work and therefore have time to read on weekends.
Student welfare remains wanting.
1) I, together with the team the 
Makerere University alumni and members of staff will give shall create a data base of everybody who has gone through the gates of Makerere as a student, lecturer, professor, and administration staff or even support staff. This data base will help us reach out to key stakeholders to provide solutions that have beset Makerere University.

2) I shall fight root and branch, body, mind and soul, left, right and centre for the welfare of Makerere University students for they are all our young siblings and we are their big brothers and sisters. 

3) During my tenure as a university council member, fees increments will be a thing of the past. Section 2 of the Universities and Tertiary Institutions Act (UTIA) is clear. A public university is run out of public funds. What it means is that all students of Makerere University including private sponsored students must never be denied access on the basis of exorbitant and prohibitive fees. Private students are in particular meant to be subsidised. 

4) My leadership will take Makerere University convocation to the people in the countryside including to all East African countries and the diaspora. Thus, we shall have a regional office for each of the four regions respectively, we shall have convocation offices in Rwanda, Kenya, Tanzania, Burundi but also South Sudan. And we shall have an office in the diaspora to make Makerere a global University. 

5) My leadership will start a Makererean Think Tank on all socio-economic and political issues. This tank shall majorly do academic research and disseminate findings through publications and public fora. Never again will anything take place in Uganda without the input of thousands of intellectuals that Makerere has churned out.

6) My leadership will mobilise and organise all Makerere Alumni around issues of a socio-economic nature and ultimately we shall form a social movement that will dictate to our national and regional leaders on what must be done. This social movement if I can be allowed to borrow a leaf from the words of Martin Luther shall ensure that nobody in Uganda or outside bends their back to enable other people ride on it.

7) Via the data base, we shall share all the opportunities - jobs, scholarships, short fellowships, research grants and so forth to all Makerere Alumni and staff.

8. My leadership will spearhead constitutional amendment to ensure that students also participate in the voting for the Convocation leadership. One may ask, “how can they vote yet they are not alumni and are not allowed to stand?” My answer to such a question is, there is nothing strange, there is nothing spectacular, there is nothing new about it. We men vote for Women MPs but cannot stand. The justification is that women issues and concerns are directly or indirectly concerns of men. This is because every woman has either a husband or a father or a brother. Likewise, the convocation is represented at the university council. Council is the supreme decision-making organ of the University. Council decisions affect students as well as staff. The convocation right now comprises of alumni and staff but not students. We need to make it more embracing and make the campaigns for leadership positions vibrant, open and more participatory and inclusive.

The above and very many ideas that I, you the distinguished and my team will generate will ensure we begin on a journey of having an egalitarian society based on the principles of social justice and human dignity.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Millennium 3 Generation (M3G)

Millennium 3 Generation (M3G)
M3G is a Think Tank cum Pressure Group born out of the realization that Uganda in the 2nd Millennium has cross-cutting generational challenges and or problems. It has been started by the University Graduates churned out in the current third millennium and it believes that the M3G graduates of universities and other tertiary institutions must play a leading role in providing solutions to our national cross-cutting problems.
Our society is beset by ills such as graduate unemployment, excruciating poverty alongside massive wealth in a few hands, disease, seemingly incurable corruption, sectarianism, favouritism, greed, almost total absence of integrity, inter alia. These ills have resulted into mediocrity even in the most sensitive public offices. These and many others are the issues that M3G sets out to address.
M3G is different from political parties in a sense that its primary aim is not to capture state power. However, M3G doesn’t discourage its members from seeking political leadership positions and believes in offering political solutions to the socio-economic malaise since it is largely caused by politicians either by commission or omission. Accordingly, we shall reign in politicians to stop committing errors of commission or omission that result into excruciating misery to the masses. We envision a society where the masses will not pay for their leaders’ sins.
M2G is different from NGOs in a sense that a number of NGOs’ agenda tends to be donor-driven and some NGO employees are motivated by a pay cheque not necessarily addressing citizens’ socio-economic challenges.  But also many NGOs wait for donors to set a pace for them hence being accused of being donor-driven.
As M3G, we shall emphasize social justice and not charity and this we shall ably do it through civic education premised on our activities that include research, monitoring and documentation; debates, seminars and workshops; radio and television talk shows and leadership grooming and training. We don’t intend to seek for donor funds to build hospitals and schools and equip them. Rather we urge the government that collects revenue from taxpayers to build hospitals, schools, stock them with drugs and scholastic materials and ensure access to education at all levels on the basis of merit regardless of one’s socio-economic status. We shall seek funds from donors, members, friends and well-wishers to ensure that we turn our problems into projects.
M3G shall however work together with government, political parties and all other civil society organisations through networking and partnerships to churn out a shared national agenda.
Ours is a purely voluntary, not monetary-driven group of selfless citizens who believe that Ugandan problems must have Ugandan solutions. We seek to build a generational social movement bigger in scope than the trade union movement and the pan African movement.
Our Beliefs
We believe that justice is more important than charity, so our people need justice not charity
We believe that we must be solution-oriented not problem-oriented
We believe that as a generation we don’t have problems but projects.
Our Motto
“We must be the change we wish to see in Uganda”
Our Mission
To heal Uganda and make it a better place for all Ugandans by providing generational solutions to generational problems
Our Vision
A society in which the masses don’t pay for their leaders’ sins.
        i.            To carry out ideological orientation for all Ugandans so that collectively citizens can agree on national ethos, values, ideals, morals, norms and evolve principles for social transformation.
      ii.            To sensitize the masses about their rights, responsibilities and state duties through civic education, workshops , seminars and debates
    iii.            To wage a protracted people’s battle against corruption and all forms of abuse and misuse of office in both the public sector and civil society sector.
    iv.            To train and groom leaders
      v.            To inculcate a generation doctrine of selflessness and patriotism in the current generation
    vi.            To build people’s capacity by empowering them with tools to assert and demand their rights
  vii.            To debate and critique national programmes and policies
viii.            To enhance critical thought and analysis
Target Groups
1.      The youth who include students, school drop outs and graduates
2.      Workers
3.      Women
4.      Children
5.      The elderly
6.      PWDs
7.      Traders
We shall have specific programmes for each of the above specific interest groups
a)      Research, monitoring and documentation
b)     Debates, seminars and workshops
c)      Press conferences
d)     Leadership training and grooming
Open to people who share our vision, ideals and objectives subject to approval by the administrators.
Core Values
        i.            Integrity
      ii.            Team work
    iii.            Equal opportunity
    iv.            Tolerance
Strategic partners
Government, political parties, donors and CSOs.