July, 14 2009
Dear Mr. President,
I have read with dismay the news paper reports that you want to rule until you are 75. what else do you have to offer? Are you protecting your ill-gotten wealth or you want to remain with the immunity so that you are not prosecuted for crimes against humanity that you have committed? You know very well that you are the historical accident that this country has ever had. You have fleeced us, you have made us extremely poor and you have made us powerless. The reason why you do that is because you understand that poor people are easy to manipulate. I must tell you that I am championing a revolution that will see your government crumble and if you are not serious you will end up in The Hague like your friend Charles Taylor. I know I may be picked and charged with sedition, but I will defend myself. It is clear that you have utterly betrayed us. Personally as a Mukiga and Catholic, I must tell you the truth come what may. I will not play the role of a false prophet!
I remember Mr. President, in 1987 when you came to Bitereko at Kigarama Catholic church, you said that political parties were not bad but it is individuals who were bad. Why did you keep parties in the freezer for two decades? Because you knew that your party UPM was unpopular. You also made it deliberately to keep people uninformed so that you can rule them in perpetuity. You also said failure to put on shoes exposes people to hook worms. Twenty three years later, the people have been impoverished to the extent that in all primary schools I saw in Bushenyi as I was going to see my mother in Kitagata Hospital who couldn’t be treated in Mulago because I couldn’t raise two million for her operation. Your manifesto was premised on three pillars: wealth for all, education for all and health for all. You cannot say you have any moral authority to continue ruling. You are drunk with power and it has impaired your judgement. You said the other day I have personal vendetta against you. No! You use our taxes and you must give accountability. There is something that hoodwinks you that you are the best. The young generation is cursing you.
I almost died because I constructively criticize you. Do you remember that when you told Dr Obote that you would go to the bush, he never harassed you? Why can’t you play clean politics? President Kagame may choose to rule for ages and people don’t complain because he is a social democrat and on the road to building a social welfare state.
Mr President you have totally run down all institutions to the extent that even the presidency does not work. You remember well how your office mishandled my case and you shamelessly wrote to me saying that it is naïve, immature and sheer malice for me to think that you had no hand in my plight.
Mr President, during the burial of Colonel Kateregga, the press reported you to have said that people resort to witchcraft because the church has failed.
“On witchcraft, Museveni told Nkoyoyo that the main churches lack something, which is the reason people resort to witchcraft. He informed mourners that he also used to practice witchcraft while fighting in Luwero. He said he was made to jump a chicken three times during the Luwero war. He further revealed that one time he moved out of his tent only to hear sounds of artillery. He looked up and there was nothing, only to be told by the villagers that it was mayembe (spirits) fighting the enemy”. See Observer Thursday 11th June 2009.
From the foregoing, one may not be judged wrong to assert that your leadership is demonic and antithetical to the Uganda Motto, “For God and My Country”. This is exactly why COWE fleeced Ugandans of their hard earned money and those who complained were dumped in Butabika and are now on a dose and they want to kill them. Some of us have been pushed too far. Accordingly, we no longer fear death. Nonetheless, if I die during this time when I am an acidic critic of your demonic, satanic, invidious and fiendish administration, I will definitely not die alone. All the government vehicles in Bushenyi and everywhere I have friends, will be burnt. All people related to the powers that be may be hacked to death but also when you people finally die, you will go to the hottest compartment of hell.
I have seen with my naked eye the plight of a 34 year old Gauda Tushabomwe who lost 25m in COWE and when she began following the case she was dumped in CPS from where she was taken to Butabika where your goons calling themselves consultants are slowly killing him.
I am calling upon all democracy and human rights loving donor agencies to withhold funds from your government because after all, the funds are pilfered by your friends and family members. We must demand who owned COWE and Front Page Microfinance. The victim told me that COWE belonged to the first family and if it is true, then God must have cursed Uganda. After stealing proceeds of the botched privatization, selling of our land and outright abuse of tax payers’ money through bribing MPs for instance to lift term limits for you, a person that has been in power for all this wrong but has succeeded in destroying what you found.
As a tax payer, I must demand accountability. You also must apologise to Ugandans for misleading them for all this long while pushing the few into massive wealth and the many into abject poverty.
Many have said I criticize you because I need a job from you. No, that is not the case. I will never need a government job as long as you are in power because the meager salaries public servants get cannot sustain me. If I take up a public service job I will be forced to be corrupt because I want to get rich yet you cannot with the meager salaries our graduates get. I only want your security agencies and hospitals to refrain from violating my innate, inherent and God-given rights. God is on the side of the marginalized and I am sure I will sensitise everyone so that come 2011, you have to go! I will translate all my information in Runyankole and publish small pocket friendly booklets that will open people’s eyes. Finally, I am sharing this with all MPs and all media houses including the international media houses. I am also sharing this very information with the UN Agencies and President Obama thanks to the advancement in ICT. I know the Ugandan press will not run it because they depend on your patronage through adverts but they will know. Should I die, your government will be squarely held responsible.
Please save yourself and resign the way Mbeki did otherwise you are a naked emperor. Let me end quoting Abraham Lincoln and Oloka Onyango with the former saying, “those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves and under a just God, they cannot long retain it and the latter saying,”ten years in power, you are an elder, fifteen years in power you area veteran, twenty years in power, you are nearly extinct, twenty plus, you are a liability”. Please judge where you belong.
Vincent Nuwagaba
Human rights defender
Email: vnuwagaba@gmail.com
Cell phone: +256702843552
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