Monday, June 27, 2011

Vincent Nuwagaba

June 27, 2011

Right Honourable Speaker,
Parliament of Uganda

Petition about Misplaced Priorities by the Ruling Party
Right Honourable Speaker, I with utmost humility petition your office on serious national issues. I am a humble Ugandan who is concerned that the offices to which God has given the political leaders are being flagrantly misused and abused. Allow me humbly remind the house that their primary allegiance is to the state not the parties to which they belong. I understand the word parliament means parler which means to speak. The parliament is meant to be a mouthpiece for the ordinary people. My reason for this petition and very many other petitions is to redirect parliament to do God’s work. God’s work is highlighted in the Bible reproduced in international and regional human rights standards and our own constitution whose chapter four is the bill of rights. Accordingly, I petition your office on the following grounds:
1. Our country has drifted from Godly principles and descended into wickedness. These are not my own words but God’s words. Personally, I am a messenger. In fact, for so long the First Lady Honourable Janet Museveni has always stated that we are suffering from spiritual doom. She has rightly diagnosed the problem but has not told us the cause and therefore she cannot give a solution. In this petition God has helped me identify the cause of the problem and give a right prescription.
2. We have mocked God and abused his holy book the bible which we use to swear in. we have also mocked God for so long by abusing our national anthem and our motto which say for God and my country. Our national anthem is a prayer which has not been answered because people in power make that prayer for wrong reasons. The president has for instance often times condoned witchcraft and I have watched him on Television parading with wizards. He has stated that witchcraft works and that’s why he has chosen the path of witchcraft instead of working for the common good.
3. In 2009 I led students and we submitted a petition against undemocratic, inhuman and senseless fees hike in public universities up to 126%. The petition was initially submitted into your office as Deputy Speaker then but later ended up in the then Speaker’s office. While the Speaker acknowledged receipt and promised the relevant committee will handle it, we have never received a report. What I received is untold torment from the Kangaroo corrupt court at city Hall presided over by Grade II Magistrate James Wambaya. Wambaya convicted me when the trial was still on-going after I had questioned his competence. I have learnt that he was ordered to convict me and open fresh charges and convict me even without taking plea by the Magistrate Grade I.
4. After my successful appeal on 13th August 2010, no remedy was offered to me even when it was proved that I was not prosecuted but persecuted. I demand that parliament invokes its oversight powers to investigate the independence of the judiciary and order for the dismissal and prosecution of Mr. Wambaya.
5. The Inspector General of Police is a ruling party cadre whose preoccupation is to use his office to persecute and destroy the opposition and torment human rights defenders and all that demand for justice. It is bad enough to appoint a cadre in a state not regime institution but it is unacceptable for him to use taxpayers’ money to brutalise them and torture them. We don’t pay them our taxes so that they can use them to torture us.
6. The walk-to-work protests were an opportunity for the ruling party to focus on the welfare of Ugandans. Unfortunately, typical of the wicked-possessed leadership, the regime shamelessly killed innocent Ugandans and persecuted and tortured the leaders who were genuinely concerned about their welfare.
7. Impunity has become the order of the day. It has become a method of work and this is a sign of people who have totally divorced their conscience. Personally, I find it very difficult to address some of the Members of Parliament as honourable. To qualify to be addressed as honourable, you must not do dishonourable things. Where does the IGG derive the mandate to absolve Mr. Amama Mbabazi in the Chogm scandal? Why can’t he step aside and undergo prosecution like Bukenya is doing. What is the mandate of the IGG and what is the mandate of the IGG? The IGG is himself corrupt in his method of work. So, who checks the IGG’s conduct.
8. We never had an election and therefore we have no government. Government must derive its legitimacy from a free, fair and competitive electoral process. The ruling Party raided state coffers and Microfinance Support Centre and used money for Museveni and the NRM campaign.
9. Museveni lies us that we have UPE and USE. What a pity! Government pays only 41,000 shillings for USE students and around shillings 1600 for UPE. The government is shameless! This is meant to kill schools and kill our future our children meanwhile using taxpayers’ money to educate their children in topnotch schools. Ultimately we have genetically modified intellectuals and that’s why they prescribe no solutions to our problems.
10. Government departments such as UBOS either don’t know their mandate or their mandate is to poison us with distorted figures. These distortions are deliberately meant to divert the public from asking the government of their mistakes.
11. Basajjabalaba and some other businessmen have often used our money to run Museveni’s businesses. Otherwise, he should refund all the public money that has been extended to him
12. Jobs are given to Nasser Road graduates on spoils system basis and that’s why we have first class and super second upper graduates dying on the streets. This is a country whose best brains are condemned to perpetual poverty and unemployment
13. Conmen and coursework mercenaries in universities are people who are well educated yet the dwarf ruling party cadres are placed in state institutions. the ruling party cannot distinguish between state institutions and the ruling party
14. The ruling party virus has affected some sections of the opposition and that’s why some of them can succumb to bribery
15. I have interviewed children and all the children I have interviewed can make better leaders than the current batch of leadership. Some of them have told me they hate corruption and child sacrifice, others hate the police because they use bullets and teargas to torment people who genuinely express themselves
16. The ruling party has chosen to use the police to alienate the constitutional square from the people. What does that mean?
17. The NRM has lost all sense of shame and now our children role model are the thieves who are euphemistically called the corrupt. Meanwhile chicken thieves and many innocent people are locked in Luzira because of the breakdown in spirituality, morality and ultimately the justice system
18. The paragons of virtue such as Professors, John-Jean Barya, Prof Oloka Onyango, Prof Kanyeihamba, among others are deemed saboteurs yet the thieves are honoured. This explains why Kakoza who uses another person’s documents can be appointed minister. Remember Kakoza was rewarded for donning yellow shirts with the label MMM meaning Movement, Museveni and Me.
19. The NRM argues the recently found oil is a national resource yet the national resources are a preserve of a few connected people either by blood, marriage or cronyism
20. Museveni has never stopped saying he is the only person with a vision. That is blasphemy to God because He gives wisdom generously to everyone who prays him. Museveni cannot combine witchcraft with the fear of the Lord
21. All national prayers have been held to mock God. When I hear Kayihura saying Olara Otunnu needs God I wonder whether Kayihura himself has God
22. On Saturday 25th June I was stopped from airing my views on a national television and humiliated by Kulayigye. Where does the moderator derive the right to stop me from expressing my views however unpalatable they may be? How can Kulayigye a man whom I think went to school order that I go to police to make a statement because I told him that the NRM walked on human blood to statehouse? How can you apply a wrong formula and expect to get a right answer.
23. The NRM has produced shark s everywhere; shark ministers, shark MPs, shark intellectuals and shark everything. I only sympathise with my very own Anite Evelyn and Ronald Kibule minister for youth and children affairs. I must keep praying for them because I want them to be part of the healing process and not the destruction process. For Ronald Kibule, Anite Evelyn, Amongin Jacqueline, Monica Amoding, and all those that have been with me, I pray for you.
24. Every leadership comes from God. Both bad and good leaders come from God and the reason for bad leaders is to test whether God’s people can have the guts to strongly oppose bad leaders. We are the children of God who must do Godly things.
25. The issues of concern are so huge that we need parliament to convene a national conference comprising of civil society organisations, academia, persecuted armless citizens such as Vincent Nuwagaba and children because I have understood that they are more patriotic than the ruling party cabal. We need to change the constitution to allow children stand for parliament. Accordingly, the education credentials are not the most important thing but character. We must shun and ostracise criminals. I expect parliament to consider these views or leave them at their own peril. If you do, I expect Kale-Kayihura, Superintendent of Police Bahimbise, ASP Mission, Magistrate James Wambaya and Justice Kibuka Musoke who dismissed my case without my lawyer’s knowledge, my knowledge when I expected ex parte judgement to resign and go to Luzira. Otherwise, Luzira should never be used as an extention of torture chambers.
Immediately address the question of fees increment in all public universities because the poor also have a right to education. Education cannot be a preserve of the sharks who abuse and misuse public resources. Let me state that I have no presidential ambitions but Museveni must step down and be prosecuted. Our God is a mighty God! Those who love me shouldn’t be scared about me. I first and foremost have a right to express my discontent over the manner in which the state is abused; I want to see statehouse scholarships stop and I have a right to a leader who is not arrogant; I need a leader who listens and works on his citizens’ plight. With due respect I don’t think if Museveni is genuine he would have appointed my student as minister and leave me out. His servants – notably Kayihura have always tormented me but they will never conquer me in the name of the living God. If nothing is done I will go straight and sit in the office Kayihura sits in because I am better qualified to run the police in a professional manner than him. The spirits of the innocent Ugandans that have perished under this regime are haunting it.
They have labeled me a PUM before only for the so-called experts to say my problem is that I am excessively bright. And this is the report I got from a senior police officer who was called to bar me from entering Butabika a place that has been turned into another torture chamber.
The time for truth and justice to reign has come! Uganda must be in the hands of God-fearing people not those who feast on national wealth when others die because of lack of panadol.

Vincent Nuwagaba
God’s Servant

CC: All human rights organisations
CC: Diplomatic Missions
CC: leader of opposition
CC: media houses

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