I am enthralled that at long last the police have woken up from their slumber. The strike that we saw on the 5th and 6th of November by the police men's wives was not actually a strike by the women. It was the police themselves on strike through proxy. It is pretty clear that upon marriage a man and his wife become one flesh and thereby cease being two but one person. We also must realise that the women couldn't go on strike without the approval of their husbands and go back the following day.
What does this teach the ruling NRM party? The centre ca no longer hold and things have fallen apart. I am aware that if the President doesn't abdicate his top lieutenants will most likely fight him. Typical of all Machiavellian politicians Museveni has been employing various tools to maintain his hold onto power. For more than two decades, he had never made his mind known to all the people working with him. The supersonic speed at which he is promoting his son, however, has proven to everyone whose eyes are open that he is preparing to create a Kaguta dynasty.
The grand theft euphemistically called corruption is another serious matter that is fast leading to Museveni's down fall. For so long he has been stealing and as he steals his appetite to continue to steal increases. Foolishly, he doesn't realise that he will never in his life consume what he has stolen and his absurd long hand will instead haunt his children. Right now none of Museveni's children or in-law can walk on the streets of Kampala boldly without thinking that somebody is there to spite them.
I am also fully convinced that Museveni is now a captive. For twenty seven years he has broached peace, unity, development, modernisation, prosperity for all, socio-economic transformation and all other flowery slogans. But what do we see instead? As Pope Paul VI observed, "Development is a new name for peace". Accordingly, since development has eluded us, peace has eluded us. Today, a police man who dropped out of school in senior four cannot educate his children beyond senior four. The salary of a special police constable cannot maintain a family of six for two weeks. While the police have been used, abused and misused by Kayihura to inflict torture on opposition politicians and activists, the police are also tortured psychologically.
Gen Kale Kayihura has militarised the police, he runs it as his personal estate, he plants the newly recruited NRM cadres onto the senior officers to spy on them, he has turned the police into enemies of civilians to the extent that even children associate the police with cruelty. Today, around lunch time I was strolling through Kololo and I met very young girls aged between around six and eight. When we started talking they told me I could be a police man and that I would beat them with batons or spray pepper onto them. During our days as undergraduate students at Makerere, students would always sing "police, our murderers, we shall never forget you". Today, they sing, "Police, our murderers, we shall never forgive you".
I pity the police. They suffer double tragedy namely enmity from the civilians and squalid living conditions, meager pay, poor working conditions all of which inflict psychological wounds not only on them but also onto their families. I would call upon the Police to disregard Kayihura's illegal orders and stand for the common good. We don't have to labour so much explaining to the police that Museveni doesn't like them but he only uses, abuses and misuses them. The same applies to the teachers, doctors, the military and all civil servants.Today, the NRM has been synonymous with scandal as if scandal is the NRM's first name. The question I would want to pose is, are Ugandans inherently evil? My answer is no. The Bible is very clear. What you sow is what you reap (Galatians 6:7).
The Ugandan political elite under Museveni has sown theft and that's exactly what it is reaping. Uganda under Museveni is suffering from the most deadly virus - AIDS. The AIDS I mean is Acquired Integrity Deficiency Syndrome. When a permanent secretary in the office of prime minister audaciously states that money fell from heaven so they had to use it the way they wanted you begin to wonder whether these people are not schizophrenic. Museveni can never fight theft of public resources because he is the grand thief. He has also stated in the past that he, Mbabazi and Otafiire came a long way together and that is why he will always defend them whenever they fall into hot soup. It is also clear that many of the politicians that have been stealing with him will always support him because they know once he is out of power they will be in prison. Nonetheless, they forget that God has already liberated Uganda.
One other thing I would like to warn Ugandans about is to beware of those who portray themselves as holier than thou. Mzee Gureme once told me that like the fox, the first lady Janet Museveni barks from every hill in Kampala. While in the past, Kampala used to have seven hills, today they are more than thirty. The woman, apart from a salary which she began earning in 2006 has no known source of income. How did she get the money to put in place all those estates? Finally, I have identified only four categories of the people in the NRM: the grand thieves, the opportunists, the frustrated and the ignorant. We can forgive those who are frustrated hence being pessimistic. And inevitably we shall forgive the ignorant for just like Jesus said "Father, forgive them because they don't know what they are doing" (Luke 23:34), the ignorant don't know what they are doing. To the rest, I leave you with the words of Edmund Burke who said that "The necessary condition for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing". Personally, I have told truth to power and thrown in a furnace, what have you done? For God and my country.
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