P.O Box 11027, Kampala
Cell phone: 0772843552
H.E Yoweri Kaguta Museveni,
The President of the Republic
of Uganda
Your Excellency,
Re: Follow
up of my case regarding my Ordeal at CPS and in Butabika Hospital
I have written to you before on 14th February 2009 in
regard to the torture, cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment I underwent while
I was illegally detained at Central Police Station wherefrom I was taken to Butabika Hospital after the police connived with
the medical staff there so as to exonerate themselves. Your Excellency I wish
to inform you that had it not been God’s mercy I would have died because of the
drugs that Dr Onen administered to me. From 27th June to 3rd
July 2008 I was on the verge of the grave. In fact, up to this day I am not
sure whether I am already safe from the effect of those toxins.
Your Excellency, I am glad I got a response from the Counter
Intelligence Officer Allan whom I later met and he then referred me to Mr.
Justus Karuhanga in the legal section. Your Excellency Sir, whereas I know that
efforts have been made in regard to the matter in question, I have a feeling
that there has been a delay of justice and it is a maxim of equity that delay defeats equity which also means
that justice delayed is justice denied.
Meanwhile I would like to let you know that they read for me the
report from the Professional Standards Unit (PSU) and I found it wanting to say
the least. I was left wondering whether the so-called Professional Standards Unit
is really professional in the real sense of the word. The methodology of
carrying out their investigation is itself wanting and I would only be
surprised if they produced reliable information. Of the people they used to
investigate my case are the very people I complained about namely: SP Bahimbise
and Dr Tom Onen. As for Bahimbise, he presided over my physical torture; Onen
nearly killed me with drugs that I was not meant for. Is it possible then to be a judge in your own
case? Natural justice rules are against that. May be they found it difficult to
implicate their colleagues and in such a situation, justice is sacrificed at
the altar.
For the first time I have been told that I was taken to CPS by a
one Sentongo Collins whose vehicle is registration number UAH 744Y. I take that
to be a milestone for if the institutions mandated with the protection of law
and order are not dysfunctional Mr. Collins Sentongo should be brought to book.
I was also told that I smashed windscreens of people’s vehicles like Dr Onen
wrote in his “medical report”; I would like to know whose vehicles?
I was told that on the second arrest I had assaulted SP Nuwagira’s
daughter and that worried me. Let them produce the documented evidence to
backup their weird allegation. But also, this shows that some people use public
offices to fight personal battles and that is a classic case of abuse of
On why I spent five days in the cells, the PSU report says it was
because over the weekend, courts were not working and that I was released on
Monday. I beg that you check your calendar and establish whether 15th
April 2008 was a Monday. But also, if they were convinced I was insane, doesn’t
Butabika work on weekends? For Dr Onen’s report, I just need the evidence of
his allegations. Good enough, there are already inconsistencies in the two
reports, i.e.
Dr Onen’s report and PSU
report on the day of arrest, I am sure the PSU would have also reported that I
was arrested on the 14th but it was because of the SD Ref number
with which I furnished them.
The report is silent on my property and money that was stolen by
the policemen who stayed with my money and keys during my detention. I don’t
know whether it is in consonance with professional standards of the police?
Sadly, I was denied a copy of that
report lest I file my response. May be that is the professional manner in
which the police profession conducts its business. Frankly, I was utterly
Your Excellency, I was told that PSU asked for my file at CPS and
that it was not found. This is a very strong matter that cannot be swept under
the carpet. Unless, the police don’t know their work, how can they lose files
like that?
Your Excellency, I have told you before that it is not in the
interest of the state for some unscrupulous public officials to wake up and
declare anybody a person of unsound mind. You know how perilous that one is and
I don’t have to labour to explain. I beg that you order these people to
prosecute me if I have assaulted anyone or maliciously damaged anyone’s
property for I am not ready to hide under the cover of mental illness because I
am sane.
Mr. President, I occasionally receive anonymous calls threatening
me. Much as I believe God is my shield, I strongly feel I should bring it to
your attention lest I die in a manner that nobody understands. I pray that my
security is guaranteed.
I am reliably informed that your office has gathered enough
information about me right from my place of birth and I am sure they have found
out that I am in no way a criminal neither have they found that I am a person
of unsound mind. In fact, I even don’t take any alcoholic liquor nor have I
ever smoked. This means I am always sober through and through. My integrity is aboveboard and I confidently
can say that I am above average. People who know me say that I am not only
upright but also forthright and upfront. Actually, I was always the best in
class and that explains why from a fourth world school Bubangizi SSS I made it
on government sponsorship at Makerere
University. My teachers
at Makerere University can also testify about me;
ask Prof Mushemeza, Dr Salie Simba or Prof Murindwa Rutanga whom I am sure are
staunch NRM supporters about my mental faculties. I must say I pride of a rich
mental faculty contrary to what the agents of the devil wrote about me. I am
sure the conspiracy to label me a lunatic was hatched after realizing that I
had intelligibly challenged their illegal practice and I must say this is
antithetical to a democratic society that you have over the years vowed to
build. As a result of what was done to me, I have lived a very despicable
lifestyle, living like a pauper. I am not ready to tolerate this and I am sure
Your Excellency you don’t like this. The issues I raised are serious
constitutional and human rights matters which merit serious scrutiny. These are
but are not limited to, torture, inhuman and degrading treatment, denial the
writ of habeas corpus, detention incommunicado, denial of the right to a fair
hearing, subjection to medical and scientific experimentation without my
consent which nearly cost me my dear life. I am free from fear and trepidation
and I am ready to use all frontiers and fora to have my case heard. At least, I
know how to write.
Finally, I plead that you purge the public offices of the
notorious elements whose reason is to dent the good image of your government. I
would like to pledge my unreserved support to you as you build a just and
patriotic society, I am sure I am qualified to serve as a patriotic police
officer or in any other capacity. The likes of SP Johnson Bahimbise are in no
way special. I beg that efforts be made to ensure that nobody takes the law in
their hands. We must avoid the Hobbesian state of nature where every man was
against everyman and life was brutish, nasty and short. If the excessive powers
the security institutions have are not checked, we risk going into the abyss of
the state of nature.
I hope you will use your magnanimity to ensure my concerns are
addressed expeditiously.
Vincent Nuwagaba
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