Wednesday, December 11, 2013

About Lukwago and Besigye's antics

I truly understand that what Erias Lukwago and Kizza Besigye are going through is abominable, horrible, greatly unconstitutional and unacceptable. However, I believe that they should even taste the bitterest treatment. They are gullible politicians, simply opportunistic and they are sadists. What differentiates Yoweri Museveni from Lukwago, Besigye and many FDCs including Mwijukye Francis, Ingrid Turinawe and others is that Museveni is clearly a ghost while the likes of Lukwago, Besigye and the others I named above are political sadists only driven by the desire to capture power by all means. I am far smarter than those guys even when I am diametrically opposed to Museveni. I have fought Museveni more than any of those political populists.

I am singly responsible for the increment of the numbers of government sponsorship in public universities in 2001. I am singly resposnible for the scrapping of cost-sharing in public education institutions. If you doubt me, ask anybody who attended the December 28, 2000 campaign meeting that Ndugu Ruhakana Rugunda had with students in higher institutions of learning while campaigning for Museveni.

Here is how I raised the issues: 1) Government sponsorship for the 2000/2001 intake had its cut-off point at 46.8 for BA (Arts although BA Drama, BA dance and Music were far cheaper than that) and so was private sponsorship for law and mass communication. What that means is that students who enrolled for private sponsorship for LLB and Mass Com are those that had been admitted and counted among the ghost figure of 2000 (never mind that the genuine number was 500). Why then did the government not readvertise the slots that had been left vacant if you want us to believe that you sponsor 2000 students. I had missed by 0.1 and was still enraged that my dream to become a Makererean had been shattered and I was a student of UDBS at UCC Kabale. 2) My very good friend Francis Bandekye struggled so hard to educate himself to finish Senior Six with the mercy of head teachers who had the discretion of waiving fees payments for poverty-stricken students. He sat exams with us at Bubangizi SSS because JK Ndezze is a real parent as opposed to the heartless politicians. Although he was admitted to a higher institution of learning he could not afford cost-sharing fees (We were paying more than 600,000 upkeep exculded). I said, for a peasant to raise that money, they must inevitably sell land and reamin landless. Why should we then vote Yoweri Museveni.

3. Peasants from Mitooma, Kahenshero, Kanyabwanga, Bitereko, Kiyanga, Kyamuhunga and Nyabubare our neighbouring were dying out of sheer neglect because they could not afford the money needed to get drugs in a public health facility. Is this fair, I asked Ndugu Rugunda?

3. "You have enumerated all institutions created to fight corruption. But President told publicly the state officials in Rukiga "Okwiba mwayenda mwibe kwonka mutabaganisamu abantu bangye.

We were asked, what should be done. All of us in unison said, 1. Government must increase the number of students admitted on government sponsorship. 2. Government must scrap cost-sharing in all higher institutions of learning and dispensaries.

4. Apart from that, in December 2007, I together with my brother Archiles Bwete ensured that poverty-stricken students who had not cleared their dues at Makerere University sit exams. Students were calling to thank me when I was in the village for Christmas and I was humbled.Ask Prof. Venansius Baryamureeba, PhD. about the matter.

5. I spent nine months in jail because I wanted all Ugandans to study for a university degree on the basis of intellectual prowess and not money. Besigye and Lukwago never did anything about the matter.

6. When I was a student leader at Makerere University, I wrote several letters advancing the rights of students but also raising critical governance issues. I was a strong member of popular resistance against life presidency and as a group we paid dearly.

7. I have tried several times not to endanger others even when I know that I have a justified cause. How does Lukwago and Besigye ensure safety from the innocent bystanders? How do they secure them from a rabid dog that Museveni is?

8. When I realised that the naked government of the evil ghost Yoweri Museveni was ready to kill innocent Ugandans' children if we were to take the petition I drafted opposing fees increment by 126 percent, I went peacefully with comrade Atenyi Kyomuhendo A. Ateenyi and we delivered the petition to the speaker's office. When we realised that it needed publicity we appealed to the Red Pepper which published the most important of the petition's contents. With all the clout and money they have if Besigye and Lukwago have to engage in running battles with Museveni, I have no sympathy for them and they will never ever have my support for their brains are limited.

9.I have suffered more than Besigye, Lukwago and their followers combined. Yet I do not even need money from Museveni. I only work for his and NRM's political demise. That is why after dismissing my case at a time I was in jail, I have never bought the idea that I should sue the state. If I win the case, who loses? Is it Museveni or Ugandans? Lukwago knows me but possibly thinks I am a non-entity. Besigye was only interested in me when I had stated that I had left DP for FDC because DP only rotates around state house and refuses to enter. I remembered that joining FDC was akin to worsening from disease to death. I am sure, DP is fast recovering from the malaria and will capture power with Norbert Mao as its leader not Lukwago. Tell me Norbert Mao or Asuman Basalirwa but not Besigye or Lukwago. I am sure that although I am not into politics, I will beat either Besigye or Lukwago hands down even if they combined their support if the ground is level. I mean, if people are to vote philosopher Kings, we cannot have Lukwago or Besigye when there are Basalirwas, Maos and other brilliant people.

10. I don't care what befalls any of you. We have a fake society, with a gutter press that is best known for yellow journalism. We have knowledgeless lawyers who think they know it all.  I do more civil society work than all the loud-sounding nonentities calling themselves activists. But I earn no money yet they live in paradise. Why should intellectual dwarfs hog the space and we think we are serious.

I made this post to respond to my brother Laban Musinguzi who said I have a soft spot for Museveni. Not me. Dr Simba revealed publicly that through a top military officer who I am sure must be Kale Kayihura given that I know his links with Simba, the state was ready to give me up to Sh 1billion to buy my royalty. But that military official was reportedly told, Nuwagaba has the integrity to defend. You will not buy his soul and conscience with money no matter how much. Andrew Felix Kaweesi please know this.

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