Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Notice and Warning Letter from Simon Musoke

 Vincent Nuwagaba<> Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 10:49 AM
To: Mahmood Mamdani <>
Cc: "simon.musoke" <>
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Dear Prof Mamdani,
I have received a letter from Simon Musoke, a PhD administrator at MISR purporting that he has "received numerous complaints from the management staff of MISR library" about what he called "my inappropriate behaviour whenever I have visited the library". He adds that the following are some of the complaints that have been raised.
I would like to respond to each allegation raised against me. 1. That I "abuse the library staff, call them all sorts of names like them being terrorists and agents of the state, manhandle them, threaten to beat them up, tell them how I am joining MISR as a PhD student in January 2014 and how close I am to the Director, disregarding the rules and procedures given to me in using the library facility, and also despising them".

 My response to this is that I have never abused anyone because I am a liberated man. I believe in the Golden Rule of morality which is espoused by all religions that I know of. In Christianity, the Golden rule states, "Do to others as you would have them do to you" (Luke 6:31, Matthew 7:12). In Islam the golden rule states that, "None of you is a believer until he desires for his brother that which he desires for himself". In the Bahai Faith, the golden rule is "Blessed is he who prefers his brother before himself". In Budhism, the golden rule is "Hurt not others in ways that you would find hurtful". In Judaism, the golden rule is "What is hateful to you, do not to your fellow man".
Accordingly, Simon Musoke and the alleged MISR library staff hate being abused. But they have perfected the art of abusing. Even sex workers are better behaved than them. I was kidnapped on the morning of Monday 25, November and went through hell. I found the books that I had including the readings for Sunday 24, and my Rosary at the MISR reception. Am I wrong to suspect that they belong to the dirty tricks unit?
As for Simon Musoke, he tells me he is a sociologist. Sociologists are supposed to be scientific. I am sure he knows that these people - the complainants have a mental virus but he sides with them. Yet he is a PhD administrator. I suspect that he has a mens rea for making life difficult for me even if I have started. On the 21, October I was tormented by the security guard of the law school under what he told me were "orders from above". I ran towards MISR for rescue but I found hell with Simon. I firmly believe that Simon will not give me a condusive environment to study.

I have all the rights to use MISR library. In fact, I am already a PhD student. The only difference is that we are in the period of holidays. Otherwise, upon admission, I think and maybe I am wrong that one
becomes a student immediately. Accordingly, if Simon Musoke is the one who admitted me, let him now dismiss me. If you, iconic Professor Mamdani together with your able team admitted me, I beg for a fair
hearing. As a human rights defender, I know the right to a fair hearing is a non-derogable right. On the basis of this letter which I am going to scan, I am filing a suit of libel against Simon Musoke.
And professor, before you listen to both sides (a legal principle of audi alteram partem), I can only feel safe and secure in the MISR library for it provides me with academic growth. Besides, Simon always
sends us regular correspondences, how does he expect me to respond to them?

On whether I am known to you, I was a member of the Prof Mamdani discussion group together with Simba Salie, Stephen Arojjo, Crispin Kintu Nyago, Mesharch Katusiime, Henry Kassacca and Enock Kiyaga
Mayanja among others. I also assisted Morris Nsamba to collect data for you as you were writing your book "Scholars in the Market Place".
As a student leader I led the student volunteers team at the CODESRIA General Assembly of December 2002 which was hosted at the International Conference Centre to honour you Prof Mamdani. Prof
Adebayo Olukoshi gave us the volunteers free membership but I also have my other academic home at CBR which you started. Should I be victimised because I know you?
Finally, I am reliably informed that my tormentors are not employees of MISR but of the University Library. I beg that they be transferred where their uncouth behaviour can be brooked. I also beg that Simon
restrains from his patronising and condescending attitude.

I have refused to be patronised by Kayihura, Otafiire - my area MP and Yoweri Museveni. I can only be patronised by the almighty God. Accordingly, I will never stop using the library until I have gotten express orders from you. And I am sure you cannot do that out of irrational emotions, impulse for you cannot be swayed by any wind to any direction.

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